Weight and Dimension (for parcels to Europe):

Special handling
Parcels heavier than 30 kg will be delivered to the front of the building, not up the stairs*
Parcels heavier than 30 kg will be delivered to the front of the building, not up the stairs*
Chargeable weight:
The price per kg is based on the Chargeable Weight of the parcel. The Chargeable Weight is the greater of the Actual Weight (ie. weight on the scale) or the Volumetric/Dimensional Weight (ie. dimensions of the package) of the parcel, whichever is the greater.
To calculate the chargeable weight:

Weigh the parcel using a scale to get the Actual weight

Calculate the Volumetric Weight/Dimensional Weight of the parcel: Width x height x length (cm)/ 6000

Chargeable weight = whichever of the two is greater (Actual Weight vs. Volumetric Weight/Dimensional Weight)